The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) is the national professional voice of registered nurses (RNs) in Canada.
CNA’s members include provincial and territorial nursing associations and colleges, independent registered nurses from Ontario and Quebec, retired nurses, the Canadian Nursing Students’ Association, and the Canadian Network of Nursing Specialties.
Meazure Learning’s (previously Yardstick’s) newly redefined partnership with the CNA includes registered nurse certification for 21 nursing specialty programs such as critical care nursing (adult and pediatric), gerontological nursing, and emergency room nursing. Meazure Learning has worked in partnership with the CNA for a number of years to support a valid, reliable, and fair assessment of nursing competence. Our long-standing collaboration also expands beyond the development and administration of defensible, reliable, valid, and fair exams in Canada. We have also recently administered several CNA certification specialty examinations to test-takers in Abu Dhabi and Dubai by adapting the Canadian certification program to meet local realities.
Representing nearly 139,000 registered nurses, the CNA is a leading voice for the nursing professions in Canada, continually developing nursing excellence, promoting profession-led regulation, and providing leadership in nursing and health on a national and global scale.
What We Did
Our strong partnership with the CNA expands above and beyond testing. We are now establishing a professional development website that will generate a significant and tangible value to all CNA members through the Meazure Learning Rapid Learning Management System (LMS) platform. Rapid LMS allows the deployment of a centralized catalog of online training courses for members and non-members. All CNA members that complete a course will be issued digital badges that can be accessed at any time using the LearnerVerified Credentialing App. This innovative mobile credential management solution aims to democratize and standardize credentials for learners by changing the way individuals view and value their training. Our goal is to comprehensibly improve online training courses available to nurses across Canada through innovative solutions that address limitations imposed by geography and in-class course delivery.
The CNA and Meazure Learning have formed a powerful partnership in which, we intend to ensure that health professionals are trained, qualified, and ready to deliver high-quality health services.