Meazure Learning to begin administering all real estate learner exams in mid-2025, as part of the upcoming introduction of multiple real estate education providers in Ontario.
TORONTO, October 24, 2024 – The Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO), the regulator of real estate agents and brokerages in Ontario, has engaged Meazure Learning, a leading independent examination provider, to deliver exams for learners seeking to become registered as real estate agents.
“The selection of a single exam provider is a key element of RECO’s long-standing project to expand the providers offering real estate education in Ontario,” said Joseph Richer, RECO’s Registrar. “The appointment of Meazure Learning ensures that, regardless of where a learner takes their courses, everyone who completes a real estate education program will undergo the same rigorous, standardized exam process.”
“The selection of a single exam provider is a key element of RECO’s long-standing project to expand the providers offering real estate education in Ontario.”
Joseph Richer, Registrar, RECO
With the largest and most experienced remote proctoring operations and over 1,500 test centers across 115 countries, Meazure Learning was selected by RECO through a competitive review and procurement process that prioritized a strong record of excellence in exam infrastructure, security, administration, and delivery.
“Meazure Learning is proud to work with RECO to develop and administer its real estate exam program,” said Tim McClinton, Meazure Learning’s CEO. “With decades of proven expertise in exam development and psychometrics and industry leading exam security that leverages advanced technology, continuous proctor training, and scalable owned and operated proctoring centers, we prioritize the integrity of every exam session. More importantly, we are committed to providing a seamless, stress-free testing experience, whether at home or in a test center, allowing aspiring real estate professionals to perform their best on exam day.”
RECO has the authority to set educational requirements for real estate agents in Ontario, including the education necessary to become an agent and the continuing education necessary to maintain their registration.
In the coming weeks, RECO will announce the approved post-secondary institutions to deliver pre-registration real estate education programs in 2025 alongside Meazure Learning’s independent administration of exams.
About Meazure Learning
Meazure Learning provides secure, reliable, and convenient test development, administration, and delivery solutions for academic and professional credentialing programs. The tech-enabled services company combines human expertise with end-to-end software solutions to provide its suite of services and achieve the optimal testing experience.
With remote, test centre, hybrid, and event-based delivery capabilities, it adapts to the unique needs of each exam program and test-taker. Meazure Learning empowers its clients, test-takers, and industry leaders through its mission to move people forward in their educational, professional, and personal lives.
About RECO
The Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) is a not-for-profit corporation that regulates real estate agents and brokerages in the province, including setting educational requirements.
RECO strives to educate consumers to ensure they understand their rights and responsibilities, including publishing the RECO Information Guide, which agents must share with every prospective client or self-represented party.
For further information, please contact:
Real Estate Council of Ontario
Meazure Learning
Stephanie Dille