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Education Finally Ripe for Radical Innovation by Social Entrepreneurs

Categories: News Coverage

“In a pattern that we’ve seen many times before when technology disrupts the existing model, the core innovations exposed new gaps that needed to be filled and entrepreneurs began emerging to fill them: start-ups like Proctoru, delivering online proctoring services to enable trustworthy online test taking…”

Keeping an Eye on Online Test-Takers

Categories: News Coverage

“Employees at ProctorU, a company that offers remote proctoring, watch test-takers by using screen sharing and webcam feeds at offices in Alabama and California. ProctorU recently signed an agreement to proctor new credit-bearing MOOCs from Coursera, including one in genetics and evolution offered at Duke and one in single-variable calculus at the University of Pennsylvania.”

Web Classes Grapple With Stopping Cheats

Categories: News Coverage

“Both Udacity, another MOOC provider, and Coursera have teamed up with an online test-taking company called Proctor U that pays employees in Alabama and California to monitor test takers through a webcam trained on the student’s face.”