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7 Components of a Smooth Testing Journey

Categories: Blog Articles

Explore the seven key components of a smooth candidate journey in professional credentialing. Learn how to enhance your candidates’ experience and satisfaction with this thought-provoking article.

It’s Far Better to Prevent Cheating Rather Than Punish

Categories: Blog Articles

The article, authored by Jarrod Morgan, covers incidences of misconduct that proctors were able to prevent and the little-known related truth about exam security and test proctoring — test observers don’t want to catch and punish cheating, they prefer to prevent it.

Exam Blueprinting: What Do Candidates REALLY Need to Know?

Categories: Webinars

Much like building a house, a blueprint is a fundamental document that supports the integrity and validity of the assessment process. More importantly, a publicly available blueprint is an important element of ensuring fairness for candidates. The development of a valid blueprint involves a true collaboration among industry stakeholders, quantitative analyses and research into assessment best practices. Dr. Chris Beauchamp discusses how these best practices have evolved over the past several years and how to build a blueprint that will set up your assessment program for success.

The Assessment Life Cycle

Categories: Reports & Guides

Allow us to introduce you to the Assessment Life Cycle, an illustration coined by Meazure Learning psychometricians to help simplify and visualize the typical stages of test development. This process is cyclical, not linear. Through this seven-stage method, we demystify the testing process so you can be confident in your exam results, whether you’re a seasoned psychometrician or new to the testing world.

Assessment Life Cycle Stage 3: Assembling Your Examination Forms

Categories: Reports & Guides

Stage 3 of the Assessment Life Cycle is where exam developers take the items that were written and banked in Stage 2 and compile them to into one (or more) examination forms. This may sound fairly easy; indeed, sometimes examination assembly is just a matter of finding the right items to assess the required subject areas. However, assembling a valid and well-balanced examination form from an item bank is a careful process, and one that requires meticulous effort. This is especially true when creating licensure or certification examinations, or other high-stakes assessments. This white paper explores many of the considerations when undertaking this process.

For Credentialing Programs: 11 Questions to Ask when Considering Online Proctoring

Categories: Reports & Guides

Finding the right online proctoring partner can be difficult and time consuming. If you knew the right questions to ask, wouldn’t it be easier to make an informed decision? We think so too! That’s why we’ve outlined some questions that can help guide you in your search. In this white paper, you’ll find: 11 important questions you should be asking every company you’re considering, why the questions matter, and our responses to the questions.

Facilitation in the Age of COVID-19: Making the Most of your Online Client Sessions

Categories: Blog Articles

COVID-19 has forced many licensure and certification organizations to re-examine the ways in which they approach exam development and consider swapping in-person exercises for online meetings. If current projections around the curve of the virus hold, online sessions may become the norm in organizational life for some time to come. In some ways, this move […]

Yardstick to match donations to the Canadian Nurses Foundation

Categories: Press Releases

We’re helping donors double their impact by matching donations on December 3rd.   OTTAWA, ON, November 29th –  “Nurses help us during the most amazing and difficult points in our lives, and Canadians are grateful for it.” This Giving Tuesday on December 3rd, donations to the Canadian Nurses Foundation (CNF) will be matched by Ottawa-based […]

The Balancing Act in High-Stakes Exam Delivery: Exam Security and Candidate Experience

Categories: Blog Articles

What is high-stakes testing? Why are there rules and processes for administering high-stakes exams? What are the key considerations when administering these exams in test centres across multiple locations? These are all excellent questions that need clear answers for credentialing organizations, regulators, proctors, and candidates. It is especially important that exam administration information and security […]