Exam Scoring, Marking, & Standard Setting
Test the effectiveness of your exam.
Exam scoring and standard setting are arguably the most important parts of designing and administering an exam. Our psychometricians guide you through every critical step in the scoring, marking, and standard-setting process to ensure your exam is accurate and valid.

Evidence That Your Exams Are Valid, Reliable, and Defensible

Implement a fair scoring system across exam administrations.
Our psychometricians employ best practice scoring methods that match the structure of your exam. Whether we use objective or judgmental scoring, we’ve done our due diligence to provide you with accurate and fair exam results.

Mark constructed-response items with ease.
Because you can’t automatically mark constructed-response questions in the same way you can mark multiple-choice questions, we created RedPen. This innovative tool helps you score constructed-response questions using a complete rubric.
Communicate exam results with clarity.
Once scoring is complete, we interpret results in the clearest manner possible and provide individual test-taker reports, aggregated group reports, summary performance reports, and sub-reports for specific competency areas and/or test-taker demographic groups. We make sure you have complete visibility into the performance of your exams and test-takers so you can make informed decisions moving forward.
Set exam standards with confidence.
Setting the standard (cut) score of your exam is what distinguishes competent test-takers. Our team has the knowledge and experience to facilitate a productive and comprehensive standard-setting session with your subject matter experts.

Go the extra mile with our advanced psychometric services.
Need something a little more advanced? We’ve got you covered with services including:
- Collusion detection
- Item response theory analysis
- Differential item functioning
- Classical test theory
- Equating
Creating Innovative Solutions the Competition Can’t Touch
We believe in going the extra mile for our partners. We initially built RedPen so FP Canada administrators could mark constructed-response questions on the Certified Financial Planner exam. Today, it serves many of our clients in ways no one else can.

Key Benefits

Comprehensive Double Scoring Process to Eliminate Discrepancies

Due Diligence and Quality Assurance That Provides Exam Defensibility

Rigorous and Documented Best Practices Followed at Every Step
Score your exams with confidence.
Explore how we can better serve you.