Test Development & Psychometrics
Build your exams with confidence.
We excel at developing fair, reliable, and secure exams that you can trust. Our psychometricians collaborate with you to craft a comprehensive test development plan designed to meet your specific program needs and goals.
Test Development Expertise You Can Depend On
You can rely on Meazure Learning’s 30+ years of psychometric experience to develop and successfully launch valid, reliable, and legally defensible certification and licensure programs. Our assessment and psychometrics experts play an integral role in defining industry standards, and we’ve helped many of our clients obtain NCCA and ANAB (ANSI/ISO) accreditation. Let us help guide you through the process.
Develop your exams with greater ease.
Our assessment experts and psychometricians draw on proven methodologies and cutting-edge theory to help clients in all stages of the assessment lifecycle. But we go beyond the science and apply a personalized, collaborative approach. We support you by taking the time necessary to truly understand your testing program. Our test development services include:
- Subject matter expert recruitment
- Job analysis and role delineation studies
- Survey design and development
- Test specification/blueprint development
- Item development/content creation
- Editorial and psychometric review of items
- Item performance evaluations
- Item banking and examination assembly
- Test publishing and delivery (computer-based, paper-based)
- Examination evaluation and analysis
- Standard setting/cut score equating
- Content validation studies
- Predictive validity studies
- Proctor/rater training programs
Develop effective competency profiles.
The success of any assessment program hinges on identifying the knowledge and skills the test intends to measure. With our help, you can develop and validate competency profiles through a systematically designed analysis of practice.
Set test specifications and build your blueprint.
We work with your SMEs to design an exam blueprint based on competencies. We also consider how heavily each area should be weighted on any given form. Given our expertise, you’re guaranteed an exam that reflects the knowledge and skills necessary for your industry.
Create test content and items.
It takes more than a basic understanding of exam objectives to create test content and develop items. It takes expert, collaborative work. To make sure your exam meets its objectives, you need an item bank that has the right amount and the right types of questions.
Learn more about our item writing services.
Have confidence in your scoring and reporting.
After your test-takers finish writing an exam, it’s crucial to calculate their results efficiently and accurately so you can report back to them as soon as possible. Most exams are automatically scored through the exam delivery platform, but for the items that require manual marking, rating, and scoring – our team is here to help. In addition, our psychometricians will help provide exam results through customized reporting solutions that break down test-taker scores based on competencies, modalities, and more – all according to your exam specifications.
Learn more about our scoring services and reporting services.
Take the guesswork out of your standard (cut) scores.
Determining a cut score is not a decision to make lightly. To have a valid, fair, and defensible exam, you need a well-informed cut score – especially since it’s sometimes the last stop between your test-takers and public safety. We work with you to determine a cut score based on the knowledge and skills your exam is meant to assess.
Learn more about our standard-setting services.
Fortify your content with data forensics and advanced test security.
We can help you analyze test-taker response data and other information to detect cases of unusual test-taking behaviors, which may be the result of misconduct. This data-informed approach allows you to use impartial data to corroborate or refuse other pieces of qualitative data, such as proctor observations, which can indicate isolated or widespread exam security issues.
Learn more about our data forensics services and advanced remote exam security measures.
Better prepare candidates with practice exams.
We can help you build practice tests to the same specifications as the actual examinations so users can familiarize themselves with exam formats and question types. With our help, you can develop practice tests that provide diagnostic or predictive feedback for test-takers too.
Translate your exam to extend your reach.
If you need to translate an exam, we’re here to help. We implement a multistep verification process using accredited translators, coordinating with your SMEs, and administering a word-by-word quality assurance review. We can also conduct statistical investigations of test fairness using differential item functioning (DIF) tools.
Watch a video about our test translation services.
Gain assurance with program reviews, audits, and standards compliance.
Gain insight into the effectiveness of your program with the help of our psychometricians, who conduct reviews and audits to identify areas of improvement and recommend the next steps. We can also determine whether your program is aligned with testing standards and assist you in preparing accreditation submissions.
Learn more about our test program consultation.
“We are very pleased with the quality of the exam and the rigor behind the development, maintenance, and monitoring, particularly in the psychometric area. I think that [Meazure Learning’s] strength is its psychometrics.”
Simplify and visualize the test development process.
Validity and reliability in your assessment isn’t a want. It’s a requirement – and an important one at that. In this guide, our psychometric team define and illustrate what we call the assessment life cycle – a proven scientific methodology for developing and delivering tests that will perform their best.
Key Benefits
Services Matched to Your Team’s Experience
Holistic Approach with Tailored Solutions
Dedicated Exam Development Team to Guide You Through the Process
Improve the quality of your exam.
Explore how we can better serve you.