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YAS Earns Honorable Mention at CLEAR 2018 Annual Educational Conference

Categories: Blog Articles

We are very excited to announce that we received an honorable mention as an acknowledgement of the effort and expertise contributed to CLEAR conference sessions! The honorable mention recognizes the session: “Postcards from the Edge: Experiences of an Early Adopter of Automated Item Generation” as the highest rated session for the Testing and Examinations track […]

Five personal development tips from women in tech

Categories: Blog Articles

On November 16th, 2018, hundreds of women (and a few men) gathered into the gorgeous New Central Library in Calgary, Alberta. The 3rd annual Geeky Summit, organized by Chic Geek, was a celebration of women in the tech community. Chic Geek aims to see more women represented in the intersection between technology and entrepreneurship. They […]

Virtual Proctoring & High Stakes Testing, a Conversation with Michelle Porter and Dr. Greg Sadesky | Part 2

Categories: Blog Articles

YAS Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Greg Sadesky sat down with Michelle Porter, from the International Code Council to discuss virtual proctoring. GS: And the response from candidates? MP: We’ve received many positive responses from candidates. At the beginning, there were questions that you would expect from any change. But once people started to really see […]

Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Assessment

Categories: Blog Articles

What is AI? Dr. Greg Sadesky discusses the applications of AI that are most relevant for assessment. It sounds so futuristic… artificial intelligence and assessment! Maybe it’s just that much of current assessment practice involves theory developed in the early 1900’s (classical test theory) or the 1960’s (item response theory), the idea that assessment might […]

Yardstick Measure™: New & Improved Shopping Cart

Categories: Blog Articles

YAS Is Reinventing Measure’s Shopping Cart Friday, May 11th 2018 will mark the start of a roll out of an upgraded shopping cart on the Yardstick Measure™ platform. Over the next few weeks, you will notice a seamless, new interface which optimizes user experience. Another major upgrade we are excited about is the introduction of debit payments. These changes will solely affect clients utilizing the […]

A Special Report on Formative Testing

Categories: Blog Articles

Dr. Greg Sadesky explains the significance of formative assessment for your learning outcomes. I think it’s safe to say that very few people actually enjoy taking tests. That said, tests tied to the topic of this blog may be an exception: Formative Tests. A formative test is one that is built for learning, rather than […]