IT Sligo is yet another example of ProctorU helps both institutions and test-takers save money. Located in Ireland, IT Sligo’s international enrollment has grown, which means they must deal with test-takers who cannot be in the country to take their examinations.
Requiring that test-takers travel back to Ireland simply to take an exam isn’t efficient. This is where Gavin Clinch, Programme Manager at IT Sligo’s Centre for Online Learning, comes in. Clinch compared the cost of setting up a testing center in multiple locations and the cost of using ProctorU, as well as potential issues that may arise when using physical locations.
Two separate approved testing centers were used by Clinch to determine the cost. Included in the total is the cost of the exam hall, acquiring desks for the test-takers to use and paying proctors to run the testing sessions. All of this is required for the four days test-takers will be completing their exams. One location would cost over €18,000 each semester and the other over €6,000 each semester. This would cost the institution nearly €40 for each of their 1,100 students every single semester.
When setting up locations for test-takers, a number of questions must be answered. How do you determine an exam time across multiple time zones? What about test-takers who don’t have approved locations nearby? How much does it cost to use numerous approved locations? Is the staff willing to create multiple versions of the exam for each location? All these questions are important when in pursuit of academic integrity.
If IT Sligo were to utilize ProctorU for all of their exams, the above questions become an afterthought. Exam times are set regardless of time zone. Test-takers wouldn’t need to worry about traveling to an approved location. There’s no need to acquire examination rooms or desks. Lastly, multiple versions of an exam are unnecessary. It’s a win-win situation for institutions and test-takers.
About ProctorU
ProctorU watches students take exams online using webcams and screen-sharing technology. The service gives students the convenience of testing at home and instructors the ability to ensure exam security.
ProctorU uses a three-step process that confirms that the student who registered for the exam is the individual who is taking the exam and is following the institution’s testing requirements. Test monitors can see the student, see what they are doing and know who they are monitoring using webcams and screen-sharing technology. ProctorU offers live, person-to-person, real-time monitoring to more than 900 colleges, universities and certification organizations.