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New Advances in Exam Security: How to Safeguard Your Program

Categories: Webinars

Protecting your exam content should be a top priority when it comes to online testing. Exam security is an ever-changing and complex topic, and the continuous advancement in this space can make it hard to keep up. Join Cory Clark as he discusses new processes, techniques and services offered in exam security to help safeguard your exams.

It’s Far Better to Prevent Cheating Rather Than Punish

Categories: Blog Articles

The article, authored by Jarrod Morgan, covers incidences of misconduct that proctors were able to prevent and the little-known related truth about exam security and test proctoring — test observers don’t want to catch and punish cheating, they prefer to prevent it.

Protection From Within: Developing the Exam Security Role

Categories: Webinars

For most assessment programs, exam security tends to require increasingly more attention over time. At a certain point, it becomes clear that an in-house expert is needed to keep up with demands. In this webinar, Dr. Ashley Norris will discuss what the role should look like, some of the core responsibilities, and how to ensure it’s more than just a symbolic posting.