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What Makes a Great RFP in Online Testing

Categories: Webinars

Putting together a comprehensive request for proposal in the online testing market is a daunting task. With hundreds of questions to be answered, how can you be sure you are asking the important questions? Judy Cornelius provides us with insight into how to craft a thorough, comprehensive, and beneficial online testing RFP for your business.

Accommodations Considerations With Online Proctored Exam Delivery

Categories: Webinars

Testing accommodations in theory are not always so simple in practice. When it comes to online proctored exams, a lot goes into ensuring a smooth experience for test-takers who require accommodations. Dr. Ashley Norris tackles the very practical considerations when putting testing accommodations guidelines into practice for online proctored exams.

Ensuring Business Continuity: Do You Have a Testing Backup Plan?

Categories: Webinars

Exam delivery interrupters are not only inconvenient, but more common than you may think and have the potential to negatively impact your program. Ensuring that your business has a contingency plan in place will help in the instance of a worst-case scenario. In this webinar, Gabriell Darby will shed some light on what we have learned over the pandemic and provide you with best practices on how to plan and respond in a worst-case scenario.

It’s Far Better to Prevent Cheating Rather Than Punish

Categories: Blog Articles

The article, authored by Jarrod Morgan, covers incidences of misconduct that proctors were able to prevent and the little-known related truth about exam security and test proctoring — test observers don’t want to catch and punish cheating, they prefer to prevent it.